
vendredi 21 mai 2010

A Wednesday evening with Jay Brannan

After the overproduced yet amazing Lady Gaga’s Monday show in Antwerp, I got myself involved in a last minute road trip to Amsterdam to see Jay Brannan live and I will never regret it .

The actor/singer discovered in John Cameron Mitchell’s movie “Shortbus” was performing at Melkweg (an intimate venue in the Center of the city)

After an enjoyable support act from a Dutch artist, Jay arrives. With a simple T-shirt-jeans outfit, a beer box to rest his feet and a fixed bar chair to sit, Mr Brannan starts singing. The first thing that hits me was his simplicity. All smiley, thankful, and with kindness, Jay was as sweet as his song.

The concert was a mix of covers and original songs from his album “Goddamned”.

Jay writes about his experiences in life and love (finding it, fighting the trouble keeping it, loosing it, etc.), experiences that we all have been through at one point of our life. It is therefore very easy to relate to his songs and get involved emotionally into them.

Between songs Jay talks with the audience, he tells us his adventures in the Red Light District, how he got disgusted by eating to many Dutch waffles and switched – and loved - to our Belgian chocolate covered ones (Belgium  one point!). He even plays little game when he trades a Lady Gaga cover against the silence of a loud speaking American tourist.

As simple as he arrived on stage, Jay joins us after the show for a little autograph and picture session with the audience. 

Jay took us on a refreshing and delicate journey. And it's with my head full of sensations and positive feeling that I left the Dutch city and for that I thank you very much Mr Jay Brannan…

Official Website:



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