
dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Belgian War by Alexis Mc Drew or when Stupid politics make a non-sence crisis in Belgium.

I love my country,
Belgium is funny, people friendly, we have unique humor and we create "Belgium"-Fries (Forget about the french word!!). I love My country, because we also have wonderfull and talentuous artist.
But like in every dreams, mystakes are and come to put the mess in all of it;
Like a nightmare in a perfect fairy tales...
And in my country... The nightmare is called politics...

I saw today this wonderfull picture of a friend of mine, great young photographer Alexis Mc Drew.
I just have to make this post because I really love and agree with this wonderfull picture.
Thanks Alex for this !

© Belgian War by Alexis Mc Drew

You can see the photography in HD on the special New Website of Alexis !
Don't Hesitate to go to the "Belgian War" website of Alexis Mc Drew.

It's HERE , Keep smiling,

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