© Patrick Bonté
“The Last Hallucinations of Lucas Cranach the Elder” is a show created by the Brussels artists Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté, inspired by the world depicted in the works of the great painter. In an atmosphere in which humour and eroticism predominate, beings haunted by the convulsive memories of previous existences appear and disappear behind a trompe l'oeil wall breached by a number of windows.
We see the actors and dancers through frames in tableaux vivants in which their movements, bearing, and behaviour are an imaginary interpretation of the motifs and obsessions to be found in the paintings of the Renaissance. Among the paintings on show that the company will present onstage are Portrait of a Courtly Lady, Adam and Eve, The Virgin and Child with the Young John the Baptist under an Apple Tree, Lucretia, and The Nymph of the Spring.
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