lundi 22 avril 2013



Elisa Andessner - Marita Bullman - An Debie - Nick Defour - Béatrice Didier - Monica Klingler - Evamaria Schaller

On May 3rd and 4th, 10/12 will open its doors to some artists from different backgrounds whose artistic practice is essentially in the field of performance art as an ephemeral art form.

Though the artists at this weekend all have a different and particular universe, some common points emerge: a commitment to the body, relative to the space, in present time, sometimes with objects, which leads them to consider their "performance "not as an object or as a finished product, but as a shared moment, a process that unfolds in that place and at that precise moment.

Entrance fee: 5 euros / night or 7 euros for two nights. (The entrance fee will be paid in full to the guest artists)

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